
Session List

Page history last edited by Drew Hemment 15 years, 8 months ago

The Environment has adopted an Unconference Barcamp format to enable the Lab community to share skills and interests. This is an open space so if you feel that you would like to lead a talk and or discussion around your particular area of interest, put the title of your session below and your name below.


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NAME: Rebecca Ellis

TITLE: Understanding citizen science

DESCRIPTION: How can we engage different public communities in environmental monitoring in ways that are socially relevant to them


NAME: Alfie Dennen

TITLE: Locative media and online mapping

DESCRIPTION: What is the potential of location-aware media for projects on the environment?


NAME: Simon Pickels & Dan Jones

TITLE: Software for monitoring biodiversity

DESCRIPTION: There have been efforts to create standardised software packages for monitoring biodiversity in a top down way, is this the wrong approach?





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