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I want to attend

Page history last edited by coinop 15 years, 4 months ago

Vanessa Bartlett- futuresonic, 

If you would like to attend click EDIT and add your name below then click SAVE.

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SECURITY ADVICE: To offer some protection from email spiders and spam crawlers you may want to hide your email address behind a link: Enter the word Email, highlight it, then click on the link icon (The one with the world) and select email address from the dropdown menu.

     -- Actually, this is unlikely to help, since the email address is still displayed in plain text in the HTML source. Even worse, it publishes the email address of the last user to save the page in the HTML source. Dave McKee.



Please put your name in the following format: Name - Title/Company, Email, Twitter etc.


Erinma Ochu - Director, Manchester Beacon, Email, Twitter, Blog


Catarina Guében - EuGeos


Chris Foster - EuGeos


Andrew Mohan - BCS Manchester Branch


Frank - member bliin.com                          


Caitlin Shepherd - Community Artist 


Julian Tait - Social Technologies Summit Programmer Email Twitter


Drew Hemment - Project Leader - Futuresonic & ImaginationLancaster at Lancaster University Email Twitter


Rebecca Ellis - Project Leader - Geography and Sociology at Lancaster University


Christian Nold - Artist


Jenny Shepherd- Writer & Filmmaker, Rough Magic


ohn Tweddle  - Natural History Museum & OPAL


Simon Pickles - North and East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre


Dan Jones - North and East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre


Duncan Wyatt - Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University


Brian Wynne - Director of CESEGEN at Lancaster University


Roger Whitham - ImaginationLancaster at Lancaster University


Glyn Everett - OPAL & UCLAN social science researcher


Imran Khan - Capgemini 


Andrea Polli  - The University of New Mexico Email


Beth Barlow - Community artist Email


Carlo Buontempo - Met Office Hadley Centre Email


Bronislaw Szerszynski - Sociology, Lancaster University Email


Louise Wright - Senior Adviser, Arts, Creative Industries and New Media, British Council Email


Kate Adams - University of Salford Email twitter


Dave McKee - Programmer Email twitter


Barbara Brayshay  Researcher  Substance Email twitter


Tapio Mäkelä, Creative Technology, University of Salford Email Twitter


Tim Parkinson, Infrastructure, Email


Rachel Jacobs, Active Ingredient / Mudlark - artist and producer Email


Herkko Labi – Plektrum Festival / Telliskivi Creative City Email


Stuart Bannister twitter


Lucy Gibson, Axis  (Dialogue journal) Email


Jonah Brucker-Cohen 

Comments (1)

Loura Conerney said

at 4:34 pm on Jun 3, 2009

Loura Conerney - Photographer/Daca, lconerney@gmail.com, http:twitter.com/loura

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